Thursday, April 27, 2006

City Documents, April-May 2006

This is turning into a semi-regular feature. I usually spend a few hours each month perusing city committee documents posted with agendas. Some are directly related to the Don, some are indirect and others are quite tenuous. Nevertheless, I post the links here for your edification. Note that anyone can see these documents. Just go to the city's website for committee listings.

City Council, April 25

Green Roof Incentive Pilot Program: The city is offering an incentive to anyone who wants to install a green roof on their building.

Rainwater harvesting at CNE: One of those tenuous connections but it could reduce wet weather flow which is one of the biggest threats to the river.

Bring Back The Don's Chester Springs Marsh Funding Request: The goal here is to fund a study of the marsh to determine its current ecological and hydrological conditions. Things aren't going as planned in our 'flagship' restoration site so we want to get a handle on how to manage it going forward.

City Response to Regulation 97/04: Municipal whining about provincial policy on conservation authority planning limits. It seems that this will substantially increase the TRCA's ability to stick its nose into city business. Just a pissing contest.

Planning & Transportation, Monday May 1

Rainwater Harvesting in Toronto: A powerpoint presentation about said topic to the committee.

Works, May 3

Wet Weather Flow Implementation Update: Update on wet weather flow progress in 2004-2005. This five page report makes for excellent reading!

Economic Development and Parks, May 4

Dogs in Parks Strategy: Last but not least, the city is finally getting its act together on an issue that is starting to get out of hand. Long overdue. Expect this one to be hotly debated.


Anonymous said...

What a humourous vision of the city and the TRCA having a peeing match. Just so long as they pee on each other and not in the river. :o)

Anonymous said...

Maybe the TRCA needs to get into the city's business, things may actually get done