I had a brief glimpse of a fox in the Moore Park Ravine and there are at least two families of wood ducks that have taken up residence in the Don. I have also heard of numerous deer sightings.
Marnie over at Beechwood Wetland weblog also has several good pictures of ducks, raccoons, rabbits, chipmunks, and frogs.
An Eastern Cottontail Rabbit hides in the brush near Chester Springs Marsh
I photographed a mouse (not sure what species) beside the trail just north of the viaduct
I found this snake, unfortunately dead, on the pavement of the path. Snakes like to sun themselves on the hot asphalt which makes them targets for fast moving bicycles.
Snapping turtle seen at the dirt jump (DJs) area near Crothers' Woods
This insect landed on a Goldenrod plant and was nice enough to let me take some photos of it. I'm no insect expert so if anyone knows what it is, send me a note.
A few months ago I spotted a chicken/rooster in the Don Valley here:
I wonder where it came from.
I don't know about this bug. It's shaped like a plume moth (like these: http://mothphotographersgroup.msstate.edu/Files/Live/Living30.shtml) but the wings on your bug seem to be translucent, and I don't think that fits with a plume moth. Dragonflies have a second set of wings, so that's not it either. I give up!
Pretty sure it's a crane fly.
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