2008 will see some moderate activity in the Don. There are some major and minor projects on the go and some of them may complete this year and some others might start up. Here's a few teasers/predictions.
Berm project. This project is currently underway south of Queen St. It is building a berm or flood protection landform on the west side of the Don River. When complete it will protect the West Don Lands from flooding and allow redevelopment of the land west to Cherry Street. This is due to be completed at the end of the year but if the work on the railroad overpass was any kind of indicator, expect this project to be pushed into 2009.
Don Mouth EA. The TRCA is currently working on this project. The schedule makes reference to a completion date sometime in 2008. I haven't heard any word about this for some time so who knows what's happening.
Evergreen's plan for the Brick Works. They are in the process of dotting their i's and crossing t's. There's a new sign on Bayview proclaiming the project so I am hopeful that they will finally begin construction this year.
Crothers' Woods. The Management Plan has been complete and the city is in the process of hiring a consultant to begin implementation plans. This is expected sometime this year.
Stormwater cistern beneath the DVP. There is an EA starting sometime that will look at placing a giant cistern underneath the DVP that will stretch from Gerrard to the Lakeshore. This is part of the Wet Weather Flow Master Plan. The EA may get going in 2008 but I expect digging won't commence until 2009.
P.S. Alot of 'sometimes'. Most of these projects rely on the city and the TRCA who are notoriously tightlipped about committing to schedules. Perhaps I will refer back to this post at the end of the year to see how good might foresight is.