Friday, January 04, 2008

Cleanup the City? Start with the Don

An article in the Globe and Mail describes a suggestion by two councillors to setup a website where people can send photographs of graffiti or illegally dumped waste. This is modelled after a successful program in England in the town of Lewisham. This sounds like a great idea, especially for the Don. We've been trying to get the city to pay attention to dumping in the Don Valley and other ravines for years. Now we can just post pictures of the stuff and voila! it'll be cleaned up.

Here's a couple of photos to get them started.

Debris litters a slope behind an apartment building in Thorncliffe Park. Some of the garbage hangs from trees as if it were thrown there from nearby balconies, hmm...

Collection of bottles and other junk in Walmsley Brook ravine. This ravine runs through an industrial park in Leaside so it's a magnet for all sorts of junk.

What looks like a safe lying in the woods. I removed this hunk of junk last year but recently spotted two more lying nearby


Anonymous said...

Yes, the Don is surrounded by junk. One area which was particulary annoying last fall was under the Leaside Bridge (I think). Someone had brought together many (20 or so) old tyres; I assume they had collected them from the valley. It seemed that the City or ?? were then supposed to come and remove them but they sat there for months and then started to vanish one by one - I fear they were thrown back into the river. I know the City is short of $$ but the collection of garbage is 'erratic', at best, and there are almost no garbage cans. Surely having a few garbage cans and emptying them once a week would be a good start.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with this comment! I saw the tire pilebeside the cycle path dwindling last year. If garbage is not removed (and litter bins provided and emptied) then the Don Valley will remain very messy. Surely this is easy to do?