Friday, September 09, 2005

Works at Works

One of the unofficial duties I perform for the Task Force is to browse the agenda of city committees and look for items that are pertinent to the Don. Every month I dig through agendas for Works, Planning, Parks, and the various community councils that might impact the Don watershed. So far this month the Works Committee has the juiciest items. They are:

WWFMMP Implementation Advisory Committee

There's a mouthful. The city is creating a new committee and inviting interested groups, including the Bring Back the Don, to appoint members. It should be noted that the city was going to appoint all the members until the Task Force insisted that we get our own appointee. Now of course everybody gets a piece of the pie.

York Region's Big Pipe

This one is a little vague on its impact to the Don. Basically it is saying there is no direct impact on the Don and the Humber to the sewer construction. What it doesn't address is the indirect affect of draining water from the Oak Ridges moraine. This water might have flowed into the Don. This project could affect base flows of several rivers but there is no data to prove that.

Source protection

Here's an interesting one. The city along with the TRCA is moving to protect water sources within the watershed. The city realizes that protecting water sources of the rivers is as important as protecting the rivers themselves (which belies the previous document, does the one hand know what the other is doing?).

Budget for source protection

Creating a budget for the aforementioned item.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you would be interested in mentioning the development
proposed in the Nordheimer on your blog. Developers are proposing two five story buildings almost directly across from the Glen Edyth. The city planner is against it, as are the councilor, the residents' association, the neighbors, and those that frequent the ravine. Presentation of the planner's report is planned for Community Council October 25th.

Also, when you are watching those city committees I noticed you didn't list culture. There is a gap there between naturalization and culture that I am watching. You are on the task force so you could raise issues there.

Donwatcher said...

Thanks for the informatoin Susan. I wasn't aware of the Nordheimer development plans.

There is no specific Culture committee in the City committee structure. I suppose the topic is dealt with wherever it is appropriate. You can find all the agenda by visiting this page on the city website:


Anonymous said...

This is the committee I normally watch for culture items. Would have to look at all the others to see where the focus is relevant to culture.

2005 Economic Development and Parks Committee